Friday, January 4, 2008

I wanna go back...

To the islands.. Ah Jimmy! It’s so cold and gray here. Take me back to the Keys and Mallory Square.

I thought I’d break down and actually start a blog. Let’s see how long it will last. Maybe some of you wonderful people out there will inspire me with your stories and responses…inspire me to go faster, think clearer, be stronger, eat better J

I started training for my fourth marathon this week. So, four? What’s so special about this one? Well? I finally have a coach, someone to tell me what to do, keep me on track, help me stay motivated… someone to hold me accountable and tell me to PUT DOWN THAT BROWNIE!

I mean, for crying out loud. How many brownies can one person eat in 24 hours? Apparently a whole pan… and don’t let me kid you into thinking I couldn’t eat more if they were here. Thank God they are gone! You all do that too, right? That’s normal, isn’t it? To hear the brownies calling from the other room when you’re trying to get some work done, read a book, watch tv, do the laundry? Oh, it’s not? You mean you actually don’t hear them? They don’t talk to you? I’ve heard about people like you… you know who you are… the ones who can actually go do something else and FORGET about the brownies in the kitchen, hiding in the cupboard. I hate you!

Today is my first rest day. It was actually a pretty easy week, except my butt was killing me the other day because I started using the damn incline on the treadmill and then shoveled and walked in the snow and lifted weights. Today I’m feeling a bit lazy and wondering if I’ll gain another ½ pound courtesy of those brownies. But there’s all this extra energy coursing through my veins… wait, maybe that’s sugar…

I’ll be better the rest of the day, I promise. Now where were we? Oh yes, I wanna be there, wanna go back and lie beside the sea there…


HappyBlogChick said...

The brownies taunt me, too. Damned brownies.

Go you with your 4th marathon. I'm only just now gearing up to start training for my first 5k. Gotta start somewhere, right?

little ol me said...

Damned brownies, evil brownies, nasty brownies

Good luck with your 5k, but watch out! It becomes addictive :) Thank God for that or the brownies would have me weighing in over 200 pounds - and let me just say, I'm not tall!